In view of the global current crisis, it is natural that we consider adjusting our lifestyle, our diet, and our way of life. It is up to each one of us to reflect and question the intentions for the life post-coronavirus.
We believe that the economy will rise again after these difficult times, and you may choose a new destination, to put into practice the ideas you are cultivating during this period.
In this sense, the American magazine Forbes elected three destinations to live and retire after the crisis, and in the first place was the Algarve.
The article highlights points that are of common knowledge to the Algarvians. The beauty of our beaches, the high standard of golf courses, the affordable cost of living, the stable climate with Sun all year round ...
Additionally, our country was considered by the Global Peace Index as the 3rd safest country in the world.
The other two destinations chosen in the article were: Mazatlan, Mexico, and Cayo, Belize, both have pleasant climates and a lower cost of living.
We are now experiencing a moment of introspection, which is affording us the essential clarity to elect our next goals. Perhaps the move is to experience and live the lifestyle that the Algarve offers?